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Permanent craft adhesive spray

  • Permanent craft adhesive spray

Capacity: 250 ml

Stock code: 6CTA204WR

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8,04 € gross

/ 6,54 € net

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  • Permanent adhesive spray for paper
  • Capacity 250 ml
  • Colorless
  • It allows you to stick paper to any surface, including: cardboard, wood or fabrics
  • Perfect for scrapbooking and for creating your own stickers
  • Doesn't stain paper and doesn't make it yellow
  • The paper doesn't wrinkle when the glue is applied correctly
  • Perfect for making paper stickers or sticking elements on cards or albums
  • Odif 303 is acid-free and non-toxic


  1. Secure the work area before glue
  2. Shake specimen well
  3. Spray the back of the paper from a distance of about 20cm
  4. Start sticking from the edges of the sheet, then slowly work your way towards the center
  5. Press down firmly on the sheet
  6. To enhance the effect of the glue, you can cover both surfaces with it: a sheet of paper with a pattern and the substrate

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