Monomeric self-adhesive films for cutting plotters are the most versatile and economical material for creating advertisements. Monomer advertising films for wrapping are suitable for large-format stickers and small labels also. Stickers made of monomeric foil for plotters decorate billboards, banners, advertising boards, windows, glass, tarpaulins, signs, fair and exhibition stands; you cam find tchem on a shop windows, car bodies of company cars, buses, trams, taxis. A wide range of saturated colors results in the use of plotter foils also in interior decoration (covering furniture, windows). Colored self-adhesive films for cutting on a plotter are especially recommended for application on flat surfaces (e.g. windows) for short and medium-term applications. In order to appply the foil to proper base, the transport foil will be helpful.
Light blue self-adhesive foil , 0,5x1m
Check the available colors in the original color chart
- PVC plotter self-adhesive film with glossy finish
- Thickness: 75 µm
- The self-adhesive plotter foil works perfectly with all standard plotters
- Glitter foil for plotters is suitable for internal and external use (expected durability of external application: 3 - 4 years, internal - unlimited)
- The advertising foil is covered with a colorless acrylic water-based glue - easy to washed off with generally available detergents
- Before applying the foil, clean the surface of dust, grease and grease stains using, for example, alcohol; when applying freshly painted surfaces, make sure that the substrate is completely dry
- Optimum application temperature: min. +10 oC; temperature resistance: -40 to +80 oC on metal
- Tensile strength: longitudinal min. 130%, transverse min. 150% tear resistance: min. 19 Mpa (DIN standard 53 455)
- Adhesive strength: min. 16 N/25 mm when applied to steel
- Check out our polymer films , monomeric in other colors as well as very durable cast films