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Teflon strip for cutting plotter

  • Teflon strip for cutting plotter
  • Teflon strip for cutting plotter
  • Teflon strip for cutting plotter

Dimension: 71 cm x 6 mm x 0,5 mm

Stock code: 6CTP990GR

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11,54 € gross

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Protective teflon tape under the knife for cutting plotters is a exchangeable teflon strip that is replaced in the event of visible signs of wear, i.e. scratches with the cutting knife blade. The self-adhesive teflon strip may be damaged by improper setting of the cutting knife parameters, e.g. too much extended knife in relation to the thickness of the material being cut.

  • Teflon strip for cutting plotters
  • Dimensions: 71 cm x 6 mm x 0.5 mm
  • Works with plotters:
    • GCC - Jaguar
    • Puma
    • Expert
    • Bengal
    • Sable

When to replace the Teflon belt in the plotter?

  1. uncontrolled movement of the knife in the head - the knife jumps, shakes
  2. local undercutting or shreds edges of cut materials (foil, self-adhesive papers)
  3. traces of scratches and cuts visible to the naked eye


  1. peel off the damaged teflon strip, just like an adhesive tape
  2. carefully clean the surface of glue and dirt, e.g. with isopropanol
  3. remove the paper backing protecting - side with green inscriptions
  4. stick the new tape in place of the old one - this should be done carefully so that there are no unevennesses that may affect the quality of the cut by the plotter

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